Statistical information about population, health, housing, cultural diversity and other social conditions in Victorian Municipalities

Summaries of Statistical Information

Municipalities: Summaries of Social Conditions Download
Municipalities: Infographic Summmaries Download
Municipalities: Indicators of Local Conditions Download
Suburbs and Towns: Summaries Download
Suburbs and Towns: Infographic summaries Download
Suburbs and Towns: Comparison of suburbs within any selected municipality Download
Summaries of People who Work In each Municipality Download
Regional Profile Builder - creating a profile of multiple municipalities Download
Small Area Profile Builder - creating a profile of a local area from SA1 districts Download
Small Area Working Population Profile Builder Download

Summary: Time Series

Changes in Social Conditions over Time Download

Alcohol and other Drugs

Alcohol and Drug-related Harm Download
Alcohol and Drug-related Harm - written summaries for each municipality Download
Alcohol Premises by Type and Location Download
Liquor Sales Per Adult Download
Review of Decisions by VCAT About Licensed Premises Download

Arts and Culture

Arts Participation by Age and Sex, Victoria 2022 Download
Arts Participation by Themes 2017 Download

Asylum-seekers and Refugees

Asylum-seekers by Gender, Age and Birthplace Download


Birthplaces by Age Download
Birthplaces by Age and Gender Download
Count of Persons from any Birthplace within any age range and selection of municipalities Download
Birthplaces by Suburb Download
Birthplace by Municipality and Municipality by Birthplace Download
Profiles of Birthplace Groups in each Municipality Download
Cultural Diversity Infographic Download
Birthplace by Spoken Language Download
Birthplaces of Non-citizens Download
Proportion of Persons with at least One Parent Born Overseas Download
Geographic Concentration of Cultural Groups Download
Ancestry by Age Download
Maternal Birthplace - counting people who were born overseas or have a parent who was born overseas Download


Births and Birth Rates Download
Number of Children Born, by Age, Birthplace and Education Download
Proportion of women who have children or who are married, by birthplace and age (single years) Download
Birth Trends In Australia and Victoria Download

Community Connection

Measures of Community Connection and other Local Survey Results, Classified by Subject Download
Quality of Life Measures Download


Crime Rates Download
Index of the Impact of Crime [based on the estimated level of impact, and rate of detection, of offences] Download
Offences by Suburb Download
Family Violence Incidents Download
Review of Family Violence Issues Download

Disability and Carers

Disability by Age and Sex Download
Age-adjusted Disability Rates Download
Infographic: disability and carers Download
Disability by Birthplace Download
Disability by Labor Force Status Download
Disability by Educational Attainment Download
Disability by Income Download
Disability and Lone Persons Download
Disability and Indigenous Residents Download
Disability Forecasts Download
People with Disability Australia 2022 - summary of findings Download
Disability, Ageing and Carers Survey 2018 - summary of findings Download
Carers by Age and Gender Download
Carers by Birthplace and Gender Download


Attendance at Kindergarten by 4 Year-olds Download
Australian Early Development Index Results Download
Literacy and Numeracy among School Pupils Download
Government and Private School Attendance Download
Students by Type of Institution Attending Download
Highest Level of School Completed by Age and Gender: 1916 to 2021 Download
Early School Leaving among young adults by Age and Gender Download
Early School Leaving among young adults by Gender and Birthplace Download
Participation In Tertiary Education by Young People, by Gender Download
Overseas Students: Gender Birthplace Type of Institution Download
Post School Qualifications by Gender and Age Download
Post School Qualifications by Field, Gender and Age Download
Persons with Degrees by Gender and Age Download


Infographic - Employment Download
Labour Force Status by Gender and Age Download
Labour Force Status by Gender, Age and Birthplace Download
Disability by Labor Force Status Download
Employment by Education Level Download
Employment Among Older Residents Download
Employment of Residents by Industry Download
Employment of Residents by Detailed Industry and Occupation Download
Number of Residents by Occupation Download
Number of Residents by Detailed Occupation Download
Occupation of Residents by Gender Download
Employment within the Municipality by LGA of Residence & Employment of Residents by LGA of Work Download
Employment within Municipalities - Profile Download
Employment within Municipalities - Infographic Download
Employment within Municipalities by Industry Download
Employment within Municipalities by Detailed Industry Download
Suburb of Residence and Place of Work Download
Employment in Arts and other Creative Industries Download
Overskilled Migrant Workers: persons born overseas and in a paid occupation requiring less skill than their formal qualifications Download


Selected Environmental Indicators Download
Climate Change and Health & Wellbeing Download
Energy Sources: selected world nations Download
Tree Canopy Cover Download
Walkability Download


Trends In Family Formation and Dissolution Download
Relationship of Persons within the Household Download
Persons by Family Type Download
Families with No Parent or Partner In Paid Employment Download
Early Childbirth by Birthplace and Religion Download
Number of Children Ever Born by Education, Age and Birthplace Download
Number of Children Ever Born by Birthplace: 20-24 year-olds Download
Profile of Young Women who have Children Download
Unpaid Care for Children, by Gender Download
Unpaid Work at Home, by Age, Birthplace, Religion and Gender Download
Family Violence Incidents Download
National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study 2020: summary of findings Download
Elder Abuse: summary of research findings Download


EGM Gambling Venues, Machines and Losses Download
EGM Gambling Cumulative Losses Download
Infographic: gambling Venues, Machines and Losses Download
Change in EGM Gambling Expenditure by Year Download
Estimated EGM Gaming Losses as a Proportion of Income Download
EGM Gambling Losses: Equivalent Number of Children Who Could Be Fed In a Year Download
Online and Sports Gambling Trends - summary of evidence and commentary Download
Estimated Prevalence of Severe Gambling Problems, by Municipality Download
Losses to All Forms of Legal Gambling Download
Prevalence of All Forms of Legal Gambling Download
Key Statistics on EGMs and other forms of Gambling Download
EGM Gambling Club Contributions to the Community Download
Issues Considered by the VGCCC in Gaming Decisions Download
Detailed guide VGCCC Gaming Decisions Download
Guide to EGM Gambling Applications Download
Review of VCAT Gambling Decisions Download
Gambling-related Issues for Local Government Download


Measures of Physical and Mental Health and Health Behaviours Download
Chronic Conditions by Gender, Age and Municipality Download
Chronic Conditions by Gender, Age and Suburb Download
Chronic Conditions by Gender, Age and Birthplace Download
Chronic Conditions by Gender, Age and Indigenous Status Download
Chronic Conditions by Gender, Age and Ability Download
Maternal and Child Health Indicators Download
Findings of the 2022 Victorian Population Health Survey Download
Mortality: Number and Crude Rates Download
Healthy Nutrition and Food Security: a summary of the research and commentary Download
Prevalence of Mental Health Conditions by sex, age, employment and other variablesy Download
Notifications of Infectious Diseases Download
Immunisation Rates Download
Indicators of Sexual and Reproductive Health Download
Cervical Screening Rates Download
Infographic - Health Outcomes Download


Housing Infographic Download
Housing Tenure and Landlord Type Download
Housing Tenure by Birthplace Download
Social Housing Download
Profile of Social Housing Tenants Download
Housing Structure Download
Group Housing Download
Housing Costs: Purchase Prices Download
Housing Costs: Rental Download
Housing Costs: Relative to Income Levels Download
Housing Costs: Rental Affordability Download
Housing Costs: Households recieving Rent Assistance Download
Housing Stress: Prevalence of Rental and Mortgage Stress Download
Housing Stress: Rent-related Poverty Download
Housing Stress: Rent-related Poverty among Older Women and Men Download
Overcrowding and Underutilization of Housing Download
Homelessness Download
Homelessness - profile of homeless persons Download
Homelessness - clients of homelessness services Download
Non-Private Accommodation and Homelessness Download

Immigration and Settlement

Migrant Settlement Download
Year of Arrival by Birthplace Download
Recently Arrived Residents, by Birthplace Download
Recently Arrived Residents, by Birthplace and Gender Download
Asylum-seekers Download
Mis-match betweeen Occupations and Qualifications, among Overseas-born Settlers Download


Incomes by Age and Sex Download
Incomes by Family Type Download
Families with No Parent or Partner In Paid Employment Download
Prevalence of Poverty by LGA, Suburb, Household Type, Age and Sex Download
Financial Hardship among Renting Households Download
Median Household Incomes Download
Income by Household Type Download
Incomes by Birthplace Download
Income Inequality Download
Gender Income Gap Download
Centrelink Payments Download
SEIFA Index of Disadvantage Download
Disadvantage - Deciles by Municipality Download

Indigenous Residents

Profiles of Indigenous Residents Download
Infographic of Indigenous Residents Download
Key Measures of Social Conditions for Indigenous Residents Download
Prevalence of Disability among Indigenous Residents Download
Chronic Conditions by Gender, Age and Indigenous Status Download


Businesses Numbers by Type and Employment Download
Businesses by Suburb Download
Business Ownership by Gender Download
Inflation: Consumer Price Index Download

Internet and Social Media

Digital access and proficiency by gender, age, education and municipality Download
Patterns of Social Media Use among Internet Users Download


Same-sex Couples by Municipality, Suburb, Birthplace, Education and Religion Download
'Yes' vote on Marriage Equality Download


Rates of Limited English Literacy, by Age and Gender Download
Literacy In First Language Download


Liveability Indicators for Suburbs Download

Older Residents

Profile of Older Residents, by Municipality Download
Characteristics of Older Lone Persons Download
Older Persons in Nursing Homes Download
Employment Among Older Residents Download
National Elder Abuse Prevalence Study 2020: summary of findings Download
Elder Abuse: summary of research findings Download


Population by Age and Gender / Municipal Comparison of Population Age Profiles Download
Population: Actual Resident Population Download
Population: Estimated Resident Population by Age Download
Population by SA2 Area Download
Service Demand Estimator: based on population segments Download
Population Mobility Download


Religion by Age and Birthplace Download
Religion by suburb Download

Social Disadvantage

SEIFA Index of Disadvantage Download

Spoken Languages

Spoken Languages by Age Download
Spoken Languages by Age and English Fluency Download
Spoken Language by Age, Fluency and Year of Arrival Download
Spoken Language by Suburb Download
Languages Spoken by Birthplace Download
Spoken Language and Recency of Arrival Download
English Fluency by Age and Gender Download
English Fluency by Language and Age Download
English Fluency by Birthplace Age and Gender Download

Sport and Recreation

Participation in Sport and Physical Recreation by Gender and Age Download
Participation in Sporting Clubs by Gender and Age Download


Suicide Rates by Gender and Age: national and state-wide trends Download


Tourism Visits, by Municipality Download


Methods of Travel to Work by Municipality of Residence and Gender Download
Methods of Travel to Work by Suburb of Residence Download
Methods of Travel to Work by Birthplace and Municipality of Residence Download
Methods of Travel to Work by Municipality of Employment Download
Origins and Destinations of Travel to Work Download
Walkability Index Download
Car Ownership Levels Download
Car Ownership by Family Type Download
Road Accidents: Rate and Number of Casualty and Fatal Crashes Download


Unemployment Rates and Numbers Download
Unemployment by Birthplace Download
Unemployment by Gender, Age, Birthplace and Education Download
Youth Disengagement by Gender: Young People Not In Work or Education Download
Youth Disengagement by Birthplace Download
Youth Disengagement by Gender, Age, Education and Children Born Download
Families with No Parent or Partner In Paid Employment Download


Volunteering by Age and Sex Download
Volunteering by Birthplace Download


Voting Participation at Victorian Council Elections Download
Levels of Informal Voting Download

Young People

Profile of Young People Download
Profile of Young Women who have Children Download
Early Childbirth by Birthplace and Religion Download
Youth Disengagement by Gender Download
Youth Disengagement by Gender and Birthplace Download
Youth Disengagement by Gender, Education and Children Born Download

Guides and Tools

An Index to Social Statistical Information On the Internet Download
Guide to Social Statistics Download
Guide to Social Statistics: Summary Download
Guide to Writing Effective Survey Questions Download
Survey Tabulation System Download
Survey Sample Size Calculator Download
Correlations between Social Conditions Download
Service Demand Estimator Download
Small Area Profile Builder Download
Comparison of Suburbs and Municipalities for Benchmarking Download
Guide to Social Impact Assessment Download
Guide to Evaluation for Local Government Download
How to Use QGIS for Mapping Download
Use of Venngage for Creating Infographics Download